Kid Creole and the Coconuts - Dead Man Talking (Remix)

Kid Creole and the Coconuts - Dead Man Talking (Remix)


The first release from the new KID CREOLE and THE COCONUTS Album is the unforgettable DEAD MAN TALKING.

The single is the first collaboration of August Darnell and Mike Gorman. More to come. Stay tuned. Mike did the BIG BAND arrangement on this one. He used real musicians (imagine that) to capture that lush Cab Calloway/Duke Ellington sound. DEAD MAN TALKING was recorded during the height of the pandemic in 2021. Consequently, each musician (there are over 20) had to record his/her part in the confines of his/her home, without spreading germs to fellow players. Nevertheless, the result is PURE MAGIC. Get ready to be enhanced and entranced!

This remix is stripped down and magical.

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